Revelations of Misplaced Affections

When our first response to suffering is to turn to anyone or anything other than Jesus, it may reveal that our affection is divided and we are following someone or something other than Jesus.

– Idleman, Kyle; Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus; Zondervan; copyright 2011; Grand Rapids, MI; Kindle Edition; page 61

He Wants to be Your One and Only

What Jesus is describing here (Luke 14:26) is more accurately understood by picturing a race for first place in your life and he is the only one on the track.  Jesus isn’t just saying, “I don’t even want there to be a second place.”  When we compare our relationship with him to anyone else there should be no competition.  Fans will try hard and make Jesus one of many.  But when Jesus defines the relationship he makes it clear; he wants to be your one and only.

– Idleman, Kyle; Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus; Zondervan; copyright 2011; Grand Rapids, MI; Kindle Edition; page 58

Confusing Knowledge for Intimacy

Fans have a tendency to confuse their knowledge for intimacy.  They don’t recognize the difference between knowing about Jesus and truly knowing Jesus.  In church we’ve often got this confused.  We have established systems of learning that result in knowledge, but not necessarily intimacy.

– Idleman, Kyle; Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus; Zondervan; copyright 2011; Grand Rapids, MI; Kindle Edition; page 43

What It Means to be a Christian

What it means to be a Christian:  There is no forgiveness without repentance.  There is no salvation without surrender.  There is no life without death.  There is no believing without committing.

– Idleman, Kyle; Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus; Zondervan; copyright 2011; Grand Rapids, MI; Kindle Edition; page 34

A Decision to Believe is not Equal to a Decision to Commit

Many have made a decision to believe in Jesus without making a commitment to follow Jesus.  The gospel allows for no such distinction.  Biblical belief is more than mental assent or verbal acknowledgement.

– Idleman, Kyle; Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus; Zondervan; copyright 2011; Grand Rapids, MI; Kindle Edition; page 31

Has Following Jesus Cost You Anything?

Here is the reality that Nicodemus is about ready to have impressed on him: There is no way to follow Jesus without him interfering with your life.  Following Jesus will cost you something.  Following Jesus always costs something.  For Nicodemus it would cost him a powerful position.  It would cost him the respect of his co-workers.  It would cost him his source of income and livelihood.  It would cost him friendships.  It would likely cost him some family relationships.  This brings up a very telling question for most fans: has following Jesus cost you anything?

– Idleman, Kyle; Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus; Zondervan; copyright 2011; Grand Rapids, MI; Kindle Edition; page 30

Fan or Follower?

Fans often confuse admiration for devotion.  They mistake their knowledge of Jesus for intimacy with Jesus.  Fans assume their good intentions make up for their apathetic faith.  Maybe you’ve already decided you’re a follow and not a Fan; well, I hope you keep reading, because, one of the core symptoms of “fandom” is that fans almost always consider themselves to be followers.

– Idleman, Kyle; Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus; Zondervan; copyright 2011; Grand Rapids, MI; Kindle Edition; page 28

We Are Not Graded on a Bell Curve Folks

Many fans mistakenly identify themselves as followers by using cultural comparisons.  They look at the commitment level of those around them and feel like their relationship with Jesus is solid.  Essentially they grade their relationship with Jesus on the curve, and as long as they are more spiritual than the next guy, they figure everything is fine. That’s why some fans are almost glad when it’s found out that the Christian family everyone admires has a child who rebels or a marriage that is struggling to stay together and isn’t as perfect as it appeared.  The curve just got a little lower.

– Idleman, Kyle; Not a Fan: Becoming a Completely Committed Follower of Jesus; Zondervan; copyright 2011; Grand Rapids, MI; Kindle Edition; page 25